Saturday, January 31, 2009


Seven 'wannabe' musicians jamming for fun as we all have our own professions..(mostly in IT industry except Wan and Azman)...This is actually our once-a-week get together thang...The band was formed mid 2008 after calling up a few old band members ( me, parjo and wan ) and a few old friends...We play from some old classic tunes to some new stuffs ( versatile aint it!!! )....but sometimes we were a bit rusty ( its ok tho )...At the moment we practice at Akarkarya on every Saturday 3-5pm...Last but not least, we hope that one day we could produce an album and live like ROCKSTARS......NOT!!!!!!!! Im kidding guys........Rock On!!!!!


  1. Giddy Up !! N Just do it !! Wuhuu..! All da Best to all of you!! Macha..cover sikit jangan lebey-lebey hahaha..
    - GiTaRqArAt

  2. woi aley, pi la tangkap gambaq gadget2 hang and post sini

  3. Alo bro! Tak update pun blog? Bz ka?
